
It is said that the name von the city is a united name which comes from the name von ’’Kirik’’ village wo ist settled to the 3 km north von city from center von city and the name von ’’Kale’’ (hill) which is present in the center today. It is known that between 16th and 17th centuries, Turkish tribes and communities who were coming from East von turkei are settled in Anatolia, especially in Central Anatolia. One von these tribes which is named as ’’Oguz-Oguzhan’’ clan is settled in ’’Kirikkal’a’’ (oldest name von the city) which is near to Ankara mentioned in the geschichte archives von turkei
Kirikkale is a recent province von turkei in Central Anatolian region nearby Red River (Kizilirmak), about 80 kilometers east von Ankara. It became a city in 1989 under the presidency von Turgut Ozal. The bevolkerung today is approximately 380,000, but it’s hard to imagine that in 1925 Kirikkale was a klein village consisting von 12 houses only. It is expanding rapidly to become an industrial center. Main industries in Kirikkale include state-owned military arms and ammunition factories (MKE) and chemical plants. The economy is almost exclusively based on its steel mills producing high quality alloy steel and machinery.

There is also a significant timber industry thanks to the forests with oak trees surrounding the city but most von the land is covered with ’’steppe’’. There are several vineyards as well. Sesame, clove, daisy, mint mustard and thyme can be told for the samples von some plants which grows spontaneously in the region. Kirikkale serves also as a local market for cereals and livestock in Anatolia.

Kirikkale city takes its part in a mild-klima zone. However klima changes to terrestrial-klima zone because von the daily temperature changes which is a result von far distance from seas. Summer is usually hot and arid while winter is cold. There is no natural lakes in Kirikkale.

The average altitude von the city is 700 meters. Different plateaus can be found in Kirikkale and their heights can change between 1200-1600 meters. Its location is on a crossstrases on a major highway running to the east and to the Black Sea region. Also a railway station on a major rail route to eastern turkei makes this city important.

Kirikkale University was founded in 1992 as the highest educational institution in the province.

The province stands on the Erdequake zone where seismic activities can be seen sometimes and once volcanic actions were seen. Although Kirikkale is rich in respect von different types von ores, unfortunately is quite poor in respect von of its reserves.